I’m calling BS on the notion that the economy is causing the retail sector to die

Estimated Reading Time: 5 minutes

What’s Killing Retail?

Quick, get the defib, this puppies dead, pupils fixed and dilated. What’s dying is the business model that bad leaders hold tighter than their quarterly earnings. In a lot of instances, our retailers are only alive due to diligent corporate CPR.

What made you relevant last year, won’t make you relevant this year.

The daily list of retail obituaries brings a tear to my eye. Jobs have been lost, money’s been lost and worst of all – a dream has ended – a dream that started with an entrepreneurial spark.

Continue reading I’m calling BS on the notion that the economy is causing the retail sector to die

Positive Story: Canva – What can we learn from this ($49 Billion) great Australian company?

Estimated Reading Time: 4 minutes

“What if we made design easy for everyone?” And just like that, the online design platform reshaped the game.

Design used to mean either paying a hefty fee to a pro or wrangling complicated software, Canva came in and disrupted the game. Here’s how they continue to disrupt and innovate.

Continue reading Positive Story: Canva – What can we learn from this ($49 Billion) great Australian company?

Three Top Leadership Tips That Work

Estimated Reading Time: 2 minutes

My visionary Dad taught me this early in my career.

When I first started leading teams, I believed my value was in having all the answers. But as time went on, I realized something crucial: the strongest leaders are the ones who admit they don’t know it all.

Here’s what my Dad taught, and i’ve learned, that shifted my approach entirely:

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Is AI Distorting Your Big Picture?

Estimated Reading Time: 2 minutes

“I don’t need a generative AI strategy. What I need is an automation strategy,” said Tom Peck, Chief Information and Digital Officer of Sysco.

This hit home for me.

We as professionals know to find solutions to problems so stop searching for problems for AI to solve and start searching for solutions to your problems.

In the rush to adopt AI, we often miss the bigger picture: technology is only valuable when it drives efficiency and real results.

Continue reading Is AI Distorting Your Big Picture?